altogether Beautiful...

That is what my Jesus is to me. His voice is sweet, and His form is lovely. The most amazing, incomprehensible thing, though, is that I am altogether Beautiful to Him.

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I am a daughter of the King. I am a friend of sinners. I am confident that nothing shall separate me from the love of God. I am seeking a heart after God's own heart. I am righteous in Jesus Christ, apart from the works of the law. I am not ashamed of the Gospel.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

La Vita e Bella

Oh my dear friends... yes, I just finished watching a movie, "Life is Beautiful." I don't know whether to smile or cry. Ok, I've just been sobbing big crocodile tears. It is true that life is beautiful, and some love is just so strong. I So Appreciate the absolute, true depiction of love in this film. Love is so complete, not witholding, full of laughter but not trite. Including desire, but going so much deeper. And when it was ending I just sat there and sobbed... realizing that I know so many men who would do the same thing for their families. I know my father would, he loves my mom So Much... he would die for any one of us without hesitation, and that just means so much. And I thought of amazing guys I know, without their own families yet, but I know the kind of men that they are-- and that would be them. Adoring, protecting, loving with everything in them until the sacrificial- yet willing- end. And women I know, my intimate friends, who will be the kind of women who stand tall and strong amidst their deepest fears, Trusting each her husband and deserving of his love. I know people like this! I am richly blessed... And I just Pray that This generation of Christians, that these my friends, will be the kind of noble people who love at all costs- not only their families, their husbands and wives and children, but Jesus Christ Himself. Will we be the ones who will leave all to follow him? Friends, let us live for the the love of the One Who has died for us. Let us live for the one who gives us life. It is in loving Him that we receive power to love one another. To love, I think, is the greatest of all gifts. Thank you, Peter, for giving your life for your country. God has welcomed you home. We love you.
And that is it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have so beautifully captured my sentiments exactly about that film.
La Vita e Bella.

Have a wonderful week Shannon!


6:27 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Shannon. I haven't watched the film yet, but your account of love and all that it means is truly inspiring. Its amazing to think that God loves us in this way--despite all that we are. Would that we could return the same love to Him because of who He is.

heh. I've been sitting here for a full fifteen minutes trying to think of a way to express this... but I can't. Maybe that's the best way to leave it:)

Have a great evening!


9:11 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great Post! What a wonderful description of Love. So many wonderful analogies in this post. I haven't seen that movie but you make me want to see it. I will have to soon. May the Lord bless you richly today!


9:35 AM, February 17, 2006  
Blogger ch said...

Hey I'll have to check that movie out sometime i've heard it was greatness

11:08 AM, February 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why thank you for the comment. I'm proud to say that your brother is a good man and it's an honor to serve with him. He will become a great officer where ever he goes. Glad you enjoyed the movie. God bless - Peace
-Luke's Roommate

7:08 PM, February 21, 2006  
Blogger cd2078 said...


I have not seen the film either, but I put it on my list to see. But I think your points about how men and women should love are good. And your challenge to our generation is grand as well. The older I get, the more daunting it is to try to live a life that even comes close to the legacy my father and mother will leave. I have already made to many mistakes but that is were the love and grace of God comes in. Thanks for writing this entry.

6:44 AM, February 22, 2006  

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